The Palin Strategy Behind the Media Frenzy That is Shaping Politics as we Know It

September 8, 2008

In a race unlike any other, politics have mixed with mainstream media, PR stunts and campaign tactics cannot be deciphered, and candidates are currently in a full-fledged ad war. First ladies have turned into public enemies, and lines have been drawn inside of political parties.

But the single, most plain asset in this political chaos that we call the 2008 presidential race is most certainly the element of surprise.

Partisan or non-partisan, liberal or conservative, we can all agree on one thing – Sarah Palin was a surprise. The little-known one term Alaskan governor has set political media to a standstill, hitting nerves on everyone, liberal, conservative, or independent. She has changed politics as we know it, stirring so many feelings that can’t all be represented by just one writing. 

So how can we take all of this in? The truth is, we can’t. Which ever party you support, which every race and creed you are, you simply can’t take in Palin without emotion.

And this is exactly what John McCain wanted.

He wanted this news frenzy. He wanted the blogging world, liberal and conservative to explode into opinion. He wanted chaos to erupt in the media world, (i.e. the OK! Magazine bias). He wanted people like me and you to think long and hard about this media bonanza — he wanted a diversion.

Understanding the importance of his vice presidential pick, McCain couldn’t simply choose anyone. He needed to go out of the ordinary, not into the realm of his contenders, middle-aged white males who would be perceived just like they have for two-hundred years.

And no matter how unreliable, local or politically ripe Sarah Palin was, he knew she would create the second big bang. He knew that she would occupy every political blog, think tank, magazine, and newspaper. And finally, he knew that she would provide a wall between both parties, blacking out media solely focused on the Democrats.

Palin’s experience is an issue, but McCain knew he could exploit this to the fullest, initiating a media strategy that could literately absorb any attack from the left.

And in a sense, this has succeeded, with help from Sarah Palin herself.

Her choosing for running mate has acted as a literal smoke bomb, creating only a small explosion, but then spreading over the entire mainstream media, sparking a spreading cloud of mist. Palin, acting as bait, has done all she has needed to do, unleashing attack speeches when needed and sparking controversy with her “troopergate” scandal as well as he pregnant daughter. The media then proceeded to take the bait, igniting a fire within itself and not running a story without the world “Palin” in it.

Meanwhile, Palin actually has stayed away from the media, ignoring any invitations for interviews on sit-down shows and political debate television as well.

Why? She doesn’t need too.

Palin’s one weakness is the one trait that you would assume a running mate would use to his/her advantage – politics. McCain knows that if Palin explodes back into the media, accepting interviews and arguing head-on with the liberal press, she will be beaten to her knees, and a coupe-de-grace will be imminent during her mandatory debate with opposing running mate Joe Biden.

And because of this, the future is more of an enemy to the conservatives than Barack Obama, and if the Democrats plan to exploit this, they must understand that for now, they have lost the battle of the present.

9 Responses to “The Palin Strategy Behind the Media Frenzy That is Shaping Politics as we Know It”

  1. doubletalkexpress Says:

    Great post…
    No matter how hard I try, I can not avoid covering Sarah Palin with all her made up VP qualifications. For me it’s all about John McCain and what this pick says about his character. It’s almost like we have to mention Palin in order to point out how much a pure political stunt this was. Picking her has turned out so far to be a genius move and so is keeping her away from the media. However, the buzz surrounding her is bound to wear off sooner or later. Hopefully within the first 30 days rather then the second half of the official run up to Nov. 4th.

  2. Jo$h Says:

    Great points! This political race is now a race that is no longer about politics and more about status, celebrity and opinion. Sarah Palin has become Barack Obama of the right, which has diminished the effectiveness of Obama’s status. I agree that attacking her politically instead of personally would be the best strategy for the Obama campaign.

  3. pacer521 Says:


    thanks for the compliments and comment, I’ll get straight to the point.

    I agree with you, without doubt. As a liberal, I am hoping and looking forward to the point where this frenzy wears off and Palin turns into a running mate, instead of a president. I am also looking forward to some of the good old days, before Palin, where McCain and Obama are compared, and the race is once again about the top of the ticket.

    As a political onlooker, I am amazed by how genius this move was and this post was a sort of tribute to that, but also a reminder of the above paragraph.


  4. pacer521 Says:


    I agree with you as well, mostly in your last sentence. As we have seen lately with the press and the US Weekly bias, attacking Palin personally would generate a backlash. Plus, since Palin is so vulnerable politically, the dems can take their time and spread out their attacks over a long amount of time, leading up to the VP debate where Biden can finish her off.


  5. fishyTruth Says:

    Hi, its a been a long time. Checking in…

    This post is written with some emotions too, I think. I agree with most of your points. Nevertheless, I feel that the focus is being taken away from the real deal, the evaluation of the presidential candidates themselves, no?

    I do believe in your last statement about the Republicans owning the present, they do have the momentum for now, I am not sure how far it will get them.

  6. pacer521 Says:


    no worries, welcome back to the blog. To answer your comment, this post is really more about that strategy of the Sarah Palin pick — As you can see in comment number three, I am a huge advocate for comparing Barack Obama to John McCain. I think we have a clear advantage there. Then you compare Sarah Palin to Joe Biden, especially in a juicy debate, and he might as well finish her off.

    I think the reason I am writing these slightly off topic Sarah Palin posts is so I can sort of escape the realm of news coverage on her. If I did write something like in the first paragraph, I would look like an Obama campaign manager on CNN, and that’s boring. hehe


  7. 1independenthinker Says:

    I think you guys are giving John McCain way too much credit for selecting Sarah Palin. It was a risky move that could have gone either way. Was it politically motivated and a play for Hillary supporters, yes, but not in their wildest dreams could they expected this to pay off so big.

    As for Joe Biden finishing her off, I think we would be disappointed. This whole premise of McCain campign screaming sexism everytime anybody criticises her, will be enought incentive for Joe to hold back his punches.

    But remember, like the Christians say “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.” Hopefully it will happen in time.

  8. pacer521 Says:


    For your first paragraph, I am simply giving McCain credit for the bold strategy of this, that has worked. But as far as the politics, Palin can’t lead this country, and as an American, I am scared if McCain dies in office, as I have said before.

    CNN just ran a story about Biden supposedly taking a jab at Palin and I wrote a post about it, you might want to see it

  9. […] I have explained in a different post, Sarah Palin has two big weaknesses — the press, and hand to hand […]

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