The Iraq Study Group Report — A New Way Forward 




Taliban — The Story of the Afghan Warlords




The Search — How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture 



Heads in the Sand: How the Republicans Screw Up Foreign Policy and Foreign Policy Screws Up the Democrats 

7 Responses to “Books I’m Reading”

  1. Julien Says:

    The Iraq Study Group Report sounds pretty interesting, I think I’m gonna buy this one one of these days.
    For my part, I read a lot of books dealing with the Vietnam war. I’m pretty much into this period of history. There are hundreds of them, and I’ve never been let down by any of them so far.
    I’ve read something like 15 books about that war. Without a doubt, my favorite book about it is “Why didn’t you get me out?” by Frank Anton, a former POW who was held captive by the Vietnamese for several years. I can guarantee you it’s worth-reading. Very moving, to say the least. cya

  2. pacer521 Says:

    Yeah, it was. I didn’t agree with it in some parts, but now that I think about it, it would be really good for you to read just because it is about a news event that is big around where you live but in an American perspective.


  3. rhapsodyinbooks Says:

    Where’s Ender’s Game?!!! :–)

  4. pacer521 Says:

    sorry about that one…I’ll make a section for you sometime 🙂

    by the way, thanks for following my blog…if you haven’t already, I suggest subscribing on the top right side.

  5. steve Says:

    If you finished the Taliban book (assume you did by now) you might try Bing West’s Strongest Tribe book. I am just finishing it now. Has a slightly different perspective on Iraq, more bottom up, and Bing is a pretty important military historian IMO. Widely respected in and out of the military.


  6. billarends Says:

    The Iraq Study Group Report, has been sitting in the back window of my car for about a month, one of these days I should actually read it.

    BTW What did you not agree with (just curious)?

  7. Wondering if you also read fiction…and if so, what’s on your “to read” pile?

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